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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

A Super Full Moon in Pisces and a partial North Node Lunar Eclipse is taking place today. Lunar Eclipses are super-charges Full Moons, meaning that they are not only a culmination of the last 6 months but also a portal to new opportunities.

This Full Moon lunar eclipse also marks the beginning of a 2-week eclipse season. This time period might feel intense, things might feel and get out of control, but this is ultimately for our highest good.

Pay attention to what happens in the coming 2 weeks. Are there any random events, people entering your life all of a sudden, random signs or objects that you come across? Any dreams? Pay attention, as whatever occurs during an eclipse season is rarely random!

This Full moon lunar eclipse is happening in the the sign of Pisces. Its modern ruler, Neptune is conjunct the eclipse bringing even more emphasis to topics like healing, boundaries, compassion, and our emotions.

We have Neptune, the ruler of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse conjunct the Moon. Neptune blurs the boundaries of our perception and reminds us that we are all connected.

We also have Saturn loosely coinciding with the Moon. It’s a good time to check how have we been living our life so far and what has our relationship been with boundaries and emotions? Have we let our emotions flow or have we been suppressing them too much? Are there any changes that we need to make?

As this is a North Node eclipse this time period might be chaotic and stressful, as we are being pushed outside of our comfort zone but we have the chance and freedom to initiate something new.