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Gemini Season Guide

Welcome to Gemini season! Today the Sun entered this airy mutable sign and will stay there until the 20th of June. This is a guide about how to get to know and connect with Gemini energy. Even if you don’t have any planets or angles in this sign, gemini is still ruling part of your chart and it’s therefore a good idea to either check your birth chart and locate where Gemini is or book a session in order to gain more clarity about this area of your chart. Jupiter and Venus are entering Gemini later this week on 25th May, making it even more important to pay special attention.

Gemini as a sign is all about communication, curiosity, excitement and a lot of motion and possibly restlessness. It likes to have options and often struggles to take a decisions and pick the best one. As soon as it does, it is preoccupied with all the choices that passed on.

It teaches us the importance of really listening to others and accepting them as they are. About clear and honest communication and speaking up. About the importance of small talk, lightheartedness and flexibility. 

It also rules siblings, our extended family and neighbours, asking us to cultivate a loving connection to them. If any of these relationships need to be repaired, now is a good time to do so. 

Below are some of the lifestyle recommendations for connecting with the energy of Gemini in the next 30 days. Take what resonates and leave the rest.


  • Prepare for a busy month! 

  • Communicate honestly - REALLY listen, then talk. Express yourself clearly. Communicate without righteousness. Speak your truth.

  • Meditate - Geminis meditate the most. It’s a sign that deals predominantly with mental activities and this is a much needed practice this Gemini season.

  • Socialize. Flirt. Brush up on your small talk.

  • Read and learn. Buy books and read them!

  • Take a public speaking course.

  • Write those emails and messages you’ve been putting off.

  • Connect with siblings, extended family (aunts, uncles, etc), and your neighbours.

  • Take a short trip.


Gossip, being superficial, restless, unstable/changes one’s mind too quickly


Tourmaline, agate, apatite, apophyllite, aquamarine, diamond, calcite, chrysocolla, citrine, green obsidian, green tourmaline, sapphire, serpentine, tourmaline and rutilated quartz, tiger eye, topaz, zoisite


I express myself clearly, kindly and courageously.

I’m gaining more confidence in (public) speaking, reading and writing.

I cultivate a more positive, flexible and lighthearted approach to life.

I create deep connections and respect other people’s points of view.

I easily attract those sources of information that will give me the answer to .............

My relationship with my siblings (and neighbours) are constantly improving.

I find the right words when talking to .......... that create harmony and connection in our relationship.

My curiosity effortlessly leads me to finding answers about ........

I easily attract the right book for me that empowers me to further my goal of .............

I learn with ease and grace.


The throat chakra - Gemini rules communication and the chakra associated with this sign is the throat chakra. Imagine a sky blue light glowing around your throat while you meditate or implement more yoga poses that focus on opening the Throat chakra, for example the “Fish” pose.


The Lovers - The card related to Gemini is the Lovers, a tarot card that is known for its connection to relationships, love, awakening through bond and union/marriage. But it is so much more than that! 

First it represents the dual nature of everything and the attraction and union of opposites - the opposites as 2 people but also the inner opposites in ourselves. We are complex beings with layers of yin and yang energies and one of the most challenging tasks we have is to accept that duality in ourselves, with its conflicting and contradicting characteristics. To integrate these inner opposites and to form a union within ourselves while we commit to growing and developing as a person. And then prepare to form a union with another.

This acceptance is very much related to the next topic of the Lovers card, and that is the topic of SELF-LOVE. We are only able to fully give love when we allow ourselves to fully receive love. And to fully receive love, we must hold the belief that we are worthy of it. And to do that, we must cultivate that deep self-love and acceptance that this is our birthright. To work on filling our own well, so that we can share it with someone else, without unhealthy expectations and attachments.

Only when we do this can we prepare to form a fulfilling and sustainable union with another, where we find balance between limitation and freedom, commitment and independence.

So how can you build more self-love and nourish your soul so that you can show up for others more whole, loving, joyful and peaceful? What do you seek in the people you love and how can you find that in yourself? What is your idea of a fulfilling relationship?



