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July Astrology Forecast

2nd July

July starts with a prominent Mercurial and Neptunian influence as on 2nd July Mercury, the planet of communication and travel enters Leo and trines Neptune who has just turned retrograde making focusing on everyday tasks challenging.

During this 1-2 transit your imagination might be running wild and practical matters may seem less appealing. This is a perfect time to meditate, listen to music or visit an art gallery. Engaging in anything that lifts your spirits will be inspiring and beneficial.

3rd July

A day later, on the 3rd of July Mercury opposes Pluto.This is a time for intense focus on a specific project or person. Any personal or professional conversations will have greater depth and will be more insightful, persuasive or challenging. Secrets are likely to come out now, which might be disturbing or enlightening.

With Venus trining Saturn on the same day we are supported to work constructively in order to attract and connect with the people and projects that bring us joy and pleasure. If you already in a relationship, enjoy it, if you are single you now have the chance to form a new one. Plan and organizing can also positively improve your finances at this time.

5th July

This is a great day for taking action, especially if you have been procrastinating. So use this opportunity to be diligent and efficient with your energy and your efforts will pay off in the long term.

6th July

At the end of this week we have a New Moon at 14 degrees Cancer on 6th July at 00:57 (GMT+1). At the time of this lunation Venus is in a tight square with Chiron making our feelings very tender and easily hurt. Our focus is shifted towards topics of clearing misunderstanding and healing wounds with loved ones - our family or a romantic partner. Face your fears in these areas even if it doesn’t feel comfortable in the moment, as this will bring peace in the long term and open the door for new experiences.

15th July

This weeks starts on the 15th July with intensity as we might try to do everything at once. There might be a tension between our desire to assert ourselves and a wound that is calling our attention. Avoid the urge to fight or push your agenda as this has the potential to get aggressive, destructive, and out of control. Old wounds might need your attention for healing, so take it as easy as possible. On the positive side, this could be a time for breakthroughs through new and innovative ways. We might feel tremendously energized and bursting with ideas we want to actualize immediately. Release the energy but make sure you are not being reckless and avoid any dangerous situations.

18th July

We are given the green light to go forward with any activities that help us grow, shine, innovate and disrupt the status quo. It is an auspicious time for any projects related to innovation, AI or community and humanitarian initiatives. If you want to build a new habit or experiment, now is a good time.

19th July

If there are any wounds that trigger, scare or sabotage you, now is the time to express them, either by discussing them with others or writing about them privately or publicly. Pay attention to any messages that come your way or through your subconscious. Connect with your emotions and practice forgiveness to yourself or others.

20th July

Mars enters Gemini - your words and communication have become your weapon for the weeks to come. Just make sure to use it wisely! Avoid any excessive mental activity as it might lead to anxiety and existential angst. Meditation is very recommended during this time.

21st July

We have the second full moon in Capricorn this year, bringing topics of professional success and recognition to the forefront. We are asked to celebrate our achievements for the last 6 months and to reflect how we balance our private/family life with our professional life. In addition we have a beautiful aspect between Venus and Jupiter, bringing joy, optimism and expansion to our love life, values and finances. Read the full report on this full moon closer to the date.