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June Astrology Forecast

June kicks off with an abundance of energizing Gemini vibes, building upon the recent entry of Jupiter into Gemini on May 25th. For those who missed it, you can catch up on my Jupiter in Gemini post here. Additionally, we have a harmonious Jupiter trine Pluto aspect and the much anticipated Sun-Venus conjunction, a highlight every year.

During the initial week of June, expect a lively and playful atmosphere infused with Gemini's light-hearted energy. As we approach the 17th, our focus gradually shifts towards an emotional journey as Cancer takes the spotlight. This transition marks a move from communication, learning and curiosity to themes of home, family, roots, and security.

3rd June
This is a great time to focus on developing your skills and potential to the fullest, on positive growth and determination. Reflect on what is truly important to you and use your excellent judgment to make impactful decisions. If you find yourself in leadership roles, aim to lead with empathy and avoid dominating others. Engage deeply in interpersonal relationships, sharing your insights and wisdom. Consider exploring interests in the mystical or healing arts, as these could be areas where you can further enhance your personal growth and transformation.

4th June
Embrace your warm-hearted and affectionate nature as the Sun meets Venus. Focus on spreading cheer and charm in your interactions, and appreciate the beauty within yourself and others. Focus on what brings you joy and indulge in activities that uplift your spirit.This is an excellent time to explore artistic pursuits, particularly music and dance, and surround yourself with refined environments. Stay grounded while nurturing your sensitivity. Prioritize relationships, as they hold significant value for you this month.

6th June
We have an abundance of Gemini energy during this new moon at 16 degrees as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter join the Sun and Moon in Gemini. New moons are a powerful new beginning, a fertile ground for setting intentions for the upcoming 6 months. With the new moon in Gemini focus on communication and curiosity by evaluating how you communicate with the people who matter most to you and make a commitment to improve, especially the relationships with siblings and neighbors. Socializing, meditating and learning are other recommended activities. Think about how you can ground the new moon's intentions and what foundations do you need to build or provide so they flourish in the next 6 months.

8th - 9th June
This influence might be blocking your self-expression, in your interpersonal relationships or creativity. You might be feeling like there is a wall between you and the outside world or that your efforts are rejected or not appreciated. It’s a good time to deepen and broaden your understanding of who you are, what you value, what is your purpose and see how you can evolve when working with constraints. 

11th June
These could be intense few days when you feel your sense of authority is being challenged or someone is trying to take your power away. Avoid any power struggles and angry outbursts and instead focus on eliminating old behavioral patterns that are holding you back. If you are passionate about a project, it could be a good time to move forward. Cooperate instead of aiming to dominate.

17th June
This day is inviting introspection and profound emotional insights. Love relationships, both new and existing, may undergo unusually deep experiences. If you're attuned to life's subtleties, you might find yourself deeply immersed in its essence. However, some may experience intense feelings of isolation. Approach these emotions as transcendent experiences, and don't hesitate to confide in trusted individuals as you navigate through them.

20th June
The Sun enters Cancer and we are officially in Cancer season for the next 30 days. During this time period try to connect with the energy of Cancer by recognizing your emotions and giving them space to point you in the direction of what you are experiencing, without any judgment. Allow yourself to be moody even if your emotions are changing all the time. Focus on your home life and building secure foundations. Connect to your intuition and trust it.

Check my upcoming post about how to connect with the energy of this very empathetic, nurturing and emotional sign.

21st June
Full moons are a time of culmination, harvest, and celebration. This full moon in Capricorn focuses on the balance between our career and personal life, our mind and heart. It's an opportunity to see what we have achieved and celebrate our success. If you have initiated projects around 11th January 2024, now is the time to honor your progress. Take it easy during this emotionally heightened phase (we are in Cancer season after all!), practicing self-compassion, forgiveness for being too hard on yourself or others, and gratitude for your accomplishments.

29th June 
As Saturn goes retrograde and some emotionally intense days are behind us, we can now focus on integration of what we’ve learned this month and this year. Look at the bigger picture of your life and what goals and commitments you need to re-evaluate so that you build a solid foundation for your life. 

Wishing you a month filled with curiosity, love, empathy and connection!

If you're interested in understanding how these planetary transits are impacting you personally, consider booking a personalized astrology reading with me. You can also connect with me on Instagram @iva_nova_astrology.

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