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March Astrology Forecast

March holds a special place in my heart, marking the shift from winter to spring in the Northern Hemisphere and from one astrological year to the next. It serves as a bridge between introspection and action, urging us to move from contemplation to implementation.

This month, all outer planets are in direct motion, facilitating our forward momentum. This alignment supports a smooth transition from the introspective energy of Pisces to the proactive energy that accompanies the start of a new astrological year.

1st & 2nd March
This month kicks off with an auspicious aspect between the Sun and Jupiter, fostering creative expansion, optimism and confidence. Confidence and optimism are in the air. Expand your horizons and break free from anything holding you back. Embark on an adventure to foreign lands, whether physically or in your imagination.

3rd March
Venus square Uranus introduces an element of unpredictability and tension into our creative endeavors, romantic relationships, and financial matters. This brings about a sense of instability, urging us to adapt and flow with the changing circumstances rather than resist them. Be prepared for sudden shifts, which may manifest as either positive or negative changes in these areas of life.

8th March
On Women’s Day, Mercury blends with Neptune and evokes dreamy, poetic sentiments, emphasizing compassion and idealism, albeit with a caution against clouded perception. Engage in anything that uplifts your spirit. Spend time in nature or near bodies of water.

9th March
The energy suddenly shifts when Mars squares Uranus, bringing restless and disruptive energy that urges us to be impulsive. Resist that if possible. From breakthroughs to breakdowns - expect the unexpected during this influence.

The intensity of the situation may resemble a pressure cooker, emphasizing the need to slow down, prioritize self-care, and exercise moderation. Be cautious of reacting impulsively or speaking hastily; instead, take a moment to reflect before responding.

10th March
March 10th brings a mystical and healing new moon in Pisces, encouraging us to tap into our intuition through meditation, journaling, or tarot. Let your imagination free, daydream and connect to your senses. Set some intentions for the upcoming months by writing them on paper. Face your fears head-on by writing them down; shedding light on them marks the crucial initial step toward overcoming them.

Shortly after we have Mercury entering Aries and a moon in Aries, when there's a tendency for communication to take on a more assertive tone. It's essential to pause and consider your words carefully, especially as some individuals may appear more easily agitated during this time. Practice kindness and empathy, avoiding taking things personally.

16th,17th & 18th March
The Sun merges with Neptune, promoting a sense of tranquility and serenity. This celestial alignment encourages us to trust our intuition, unleash our creativity without bounds, and embrace a world of limitless possibilities. Let your imagination soar freely as you embark on a journey of creation guided by inner wisdom and boundless inspiration.

21st March
As the Sun enters Aries on the 21st, marking the start of spring in the Western hemisphere and the start of the new astrological year. We are emerging from the deep dreamy waters of Pisces season with a call to action to ignite your inner fire and embark on new ventures fearlessly. Start new projects, take initiative, meet new people. 

Spring flowers bloom without seeking permission; similarly, you should embrace your growth and potential without hesitation or restraint.

25th March
The month concludes with a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th, prompting gratitude for relationships and partnerships ( romantic, professional or those with friends and family). Journal or share with someone what you appreciate about them. It's a time for introspection, evaluating dynamics to find a balance between supporting others and attending to personal needs. Take time to reflect and adjust accordingly.

It’s a great time to forgive those that have wronged you, recognizing that this is the first important step towards forgetting and moving on.

Wishing you a month filled with beauty and inspiration!

If you're interested in understanding how these planetary transits are impacting you personally, consider booking a personalized astrology reading with me. Explore all services here. You can also connect with me on Instagram @iva_nova_astrology.