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New Moon in Leo

Tomorrow we welcome an auspicious New Moon in passionate and enthusiastic Leo. This lunation at 12° Leo is sextile Mars and Jupiter in Gemini further bringing optimism and joy as well as trining the North Node in Aries.

New moons are a powerful new beginning, a fertile ground for setting intentions for the upcoming 6 months. With the new moon in Leo, focus on setting intentions around the topics of creativity, leadership, confidence, generosity, expressiveness and having fun with your inner child. Evaluate how you have approached these topics so far. Make a commitment to bring more of them into your life.

Here are some example questions to get you started:

➡️ Have you engaged in creative activities (whatever that means to you) in recent months?

➡️ Have you stepped up and become a leader in an area of your life that you feel called to? Or have you been playing small?

➡️ Have you courageously stood up for what you love and believe in?

➡️ Have you been generous enough with your love, time and resources?

➡️ Have you let your inner child explore, play and have fun?

✍️ Reflect and journal on the topics that resonate with you.

🗓 Set intentions for the next 6 months, writing them in present tense on a list of paper. Limit them to 1-2 big topics (ex. career, love, creativity, home, money, kids, etc). Here are some examples:

”I invite creative people and projects in my life that are aligned with my talents and interests”.

“I attract well-paid professional opportunities where I’m values, respected and appreciated”.

”I meet the most aligned for me partner to ….. (insert your goal)”.

“I attract and connect with like minded individuals that support my personal and professional growth. I build deep friendships and join/create a community”.

🌱 Think about how you can support this new moon's intentions without being excessive. And don’t forget to add a solid layer of expressiveness and clear and honest communication as Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are sextiling (a supportive aspect) this lunation.

Enjoy this beautiful new moon!