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New Moon in Virgo

Welcome to September!

Just a few days ago Mercury turned direct marking the end of its retrograde period leaving us in peace until December when we’ll have another retrograde period (coupled with a Mars retrograde!).

Now we are invited to slowly come back to functioning properly, push the gas on our projects and put our spaces in order (think home, work and MIND space!) during the next 3 weeks while the Sun is in Virgo.

Mercury being direct is good news, as it’s the ruler of the upcoming new Moon in Virgo at 11° happening on Tuesday at 3:55am (GMT+1) and on Monday 9:55pm EST, 6:55pm PST.

New moons are a powerful new beginning, a fertile ground for setting intentions for the upcoming 6 months. With the new moon in Virgo focus on refining and reworking the routines related to the areas of your life mentioned for your rising sign/ascendant below. Take an inventory and see what needs to be re-organized. Evaluate how you can add more devotion, precision, and practicality to these areas of life and make a commitment to improve.

The new moon is opposing Saturn in Pisces so ask yourself: how can you add more stability to your new moon's intentions and what foundations and boundaries do you need to build so they flourish in the next 6 months?

Tips for writing your intentions for this Virgo New Moon

Below you will find a guide for each rising sign (also called ascendant). If you don’t know your rising sign, use your sun sign.

Example: if you are an Aries and don’t know what time you were born, check the guide for Aries/Aries rising (Aries is your sun sign). If you are an Aries and you know that your rising sign is Libra for example, check the guide for Libra/Libra rising. Rising signs are more personal as they are determined based on your unique birth time and you will most likely associate deeper with that area of your life.

Then read the guide for your rising sign (or sun sign) below, see what resonates and write your intentions. I recommend choosing 1-2 topics max, in order to keep your intentions focused.

Example: focus on your finances OR love/relationships OR home/relocation OR family/children OR career, unless they are closely connected.

Feel which topic is calling you. If it’s not listed in the guide, that’s also OK, just go with with feels right.

Then take a list of paper and write 10-15 intentions in PRESENT tense for your chosen topic. Envision the desired outcome of your intentions and try to feel it in your body. Describe it in your intentions. Write intentions that can become a reality within the next 6 months.

Example for Career-Focused intentions:

  • I attract a new professional opportunity (new job, new contract, new business, new business partner, new clients, etc), where I’m respected and well paid.

  • I love every day that I work.

  • I work with like-minded people. I learn and grow each day.

  • I feel appreciated and supported by my colleagues and my manager/leadership.

  • I effortlessly grow in my career.

  • and so on…

Feel free to use some of these or write your own. The important thing is that they should feel AUTHENTIC & PERSONAL to you!

Below is the guide for each sign or rising sign. Enjoy this lunation and let me know how it transpires for you!

Aries and Aries rising

This new moon is falling in the ares of your chart that rules your daily work, daily habits, your job description, helping others, duty, healing, health & healthy habits, and pets. Think about what changes you’d like to see in these areas of life as now is a great time to set these intentions. This is your chance to envision a new job, new daily routine, changes in your health status or more opportunities to help others. Remember that a healthy body means a healthy mind and this is a once-a-year opportunity to work on that connection. Join a gym, quit smoking, change your daily routines or diet.

Taurus and Taurus rising

Creativity, self-expression, romance, flirting, fun, entertainment, and kids (your own or someone's else) are the topics that this new moon in Virgo is bringing to the surface for you. Think about what intentions you’d like to set around these topics and remember that life is as fun as you make it. Explore your creativity and take steps forward to share it with the world. Whether single or not, now is also a good time to inject a dose of fun and playfulness into the way you relate to potential or existing romantic partners.

Gemini and Gemini rising

This new moon is shedding light into the area of your chart that roots it - your home (or places that feels like home), family (or people that feel like family), your roots and where you comes from, where you belong, your personal space & private time, mother (or the person that played that role), your past. This is an opportunity for you to set a new chapter in your life with the topics mentioned. What does home and family meant to you? Imagine what your ideal home and/or family might look like and what creates a feeling of belonging for you, whatever that might look like for you. If you want to move homes or redecorate, now is also a good time to invite the feeling you want to experience once this happens.

Cancer and Cancer rising

Topics like communication, talking, listening, thinking, the ability to clearly express oneself, making your point, daily life, siblings, neighbours, cousins and short trips come to the forefront with this new moon. If you would like to change how these areas of life play out for you, this is an excellent opportunity. Think about if you are speaking and communicating your truth, and if not, why? Instead of expecting others to read your mind, practice loving and honest communication with those around you. A busy time with many short trips might be ahead of you, so envision how you’d like this to play out for you.

Leo and Leo rising

The focus of this new moon is around the topic of your literal and figurative assets: money, cash, possessions, properties, valuables, prosperity, stability in life, but also your talents, self-worth, self-esteem, ideal home, self-love. This is a really great time to set intentions about your desired financial situation and the desired level of self-confidence and self-esteem. In astrology the topics of money, self-confidence, self-love and talents are very much interconnected, because if you work on your self-love and self-esteem, you will most likely have a head start into attracting the financial abundance and stability you wish for by standing up for yourself and what you bring. Remember that you have a lot to offer to the world and if you VALUE yourself, others will value you too. Now is a great time to drop perfectionism and self-criticism and restart that area of your life.

Virgo and Virgo rising

This new moon is bringing you a great new opportunity for you to create a new image of how you present yourself to others and how the worlds sees you. Whether this is your image, your personal appearance, your body or your self-direction, this moment presents the chance for a new beginning, for self-improvement and self-development. Think about what you would like to change and visualize yourself exactly how you like to appear and be perceived. This could be about a new wardrobe, new haircut, new workout routine, new website, social media account or business cards - whatever comes in contact with the outside world. This is also the time of a new 12-month cycle of the moon around your chart, so allow yourself to celebrate and cherish this fresh new start, even if it feels vain.

Libra and Libra rising

The new moon is falling in the area of your chart that closes one yearly Sun cycle and deals with topics like secrets, your most private self, the subconscious, dreams (at night), spirituality, fears, self-sabotage. You might feel like you want to withdraw from the world and not attend every event, so follow your urge and work on creating an environment that brings you inner peace. Focus on practices that connect you to your intuition and your essence. Envision yourself going through life grounded, stable and supported. What do you need more of in your life to create this feeling - maybe it’s meditation or more time for contemplation and self-care. Set intentions focused on replenishing your own well and shedding light on any fears. Soon the Sun will enter Libra and cross your ascendent, and you’ll be starting a fresh new journey. Prepare for it by letting go of what isn’t working in your life. Pay attention to your dreams.

Scorpio and Scorpio rising

This new moon is activating a part of your chart that gives you permission to make any wish you want now! This happens once a year for everyone and it’s happening for you now! Congratulations! Topics like friends, social groups and networks, community, your wishes and dreams, the internet, social media, innovation and AI are the focus now. Your wish could be related to them, and it will be super-powered but wishing and set intentions about anything else that you want works too. You are supported now to ask for new friends and communities or for existing ones to flourish. Envision an environment where you are surrounded by supportive friends that respect and love you and meet your needs. Then go out and meet them.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising

The new moon is falling into a very prominent place in your chart - the TOP of your chart, which rules topics like your career, social status, reputation and ambition thus presenting a very big opportunity to take a new direction in your professional life. It’s a great time to aim high, activate your most ambitious desires and goals and envision where you want to be professionally. What mark do you want to leave in the world? How do you want to help others? Don’t shy away from wanting to be well-known, being an expert in something or speaking in public. Great time as well to set intentions on starting a new business, applying for a new job or asking for a promotion and salary raise. Know that this is the highest point in your chart and a crucial part of your life journey, so invest your energy and efforts and push the gas in the coming months.

Capricorn and Capricorn rising

The areas of life that are brought in focus for you are higher education, personal development, (long distance) travel, adventure, the big picture of your life, expansion, broadening your horizons, philosophy, religion. If you’ve been wishing for changes in any of these areas, a dose of good luck and optimism is brought to you now. So take a look at your life from a bird eye’s view and see what is working out well for you and what you need to course correct. Write a gratitude list. Envision yourself wherever you want to be (literally and figuratively) - either to a new travel destination or towards a new level on your personal development journey. It’s also an auspicious time to set intentions related to publishing and the internet. Write down your intentions and revisit them often.

Aquarius and Aquarius rising

The new moon is falling in the area of your chart that deals with topics like deep intimacy with another person, soulmates, sex and the taboo, shared finances, bank loans, debts, taxes, transformation, deep secrets, pregnancy. It is a great time to set any intentions related to them. Think about what you would like to improve (for example: more financial abundance ) and how you can improve this situation (ex. better cash management, getting financial support and advice, taking a class on that topic,etc). Visualize it and write it down as intentions. Check if you need to overcome a fear in any of these areas and see where it’s coming from. If you have any upcoming surgeries, now is also a good time to set intentions for a successful outcome.

Pisces and Pisces rising

The new moon is activating topics like love, romantic partnerships, marriage, business relationships, contracts, justice, your most important relationships (past, present, future), but also enemies and your shadows. This is a great opportunity for you to focus on one of these topics and envision your ideal relationship (romantic or not), including an improvement of a difficult one. Examine all your relationships, see what works and what needs improvement and what is your part in that. If you are looking to attract a new partner, work on the skills you feel you need to improve, and most importantly leave your home and meet someone new for a date. Life is full of surprises, be open for them.