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September Astrology Forecast

September starts with a very hectic week - Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn for the last time ever in our lifetimes, we have a new moon in Virgo, Mars changes signs, Venus conjunct the South Node, Mercure squares Uranus (again but post retrograde) and the Sun opposes Saturn. Very busy weeks alternate with quiet ones.

2nd September

Pluto, the slow moving planet of transformation, death, rebirth, power and control is making its FINAL retrograde back to Capricorn. From today until 19th Nov we will have the last chance to revisit and transform any area of our life that Pluto has been activated since 2008. Think about any topic that have been brought to the forefront in the last 15 years that you need to wrap up now. Or book a 1:1 session for a personalized analysis of this transit as it needs a deep dive.

3rd September

We have a New Moon in meticulous, detail-oriented and self-sufficient Virgo. This lunation is opposite Saturn further bringing the call for organisation, stability and boundaries. New moons are a powerful new beginning, a fertile ground for setting intentions. With the new moon in Virgo, take an inventory and organise the areas of your life that need it most. Make a commitment to being more practical and revise any daily routines and health habits. Think about how you can support this new moon's intentions in the next 6 months without being excessive.

Read my detailed guide about the Virgo New Moon.

4th September

Mars (the planet of action, our will and the way we fight) enters Cancer. During this time we might get more preoccupied with out internal world, our emotions and our home. When we take action and fight we might do it from an instinctual and emotional space with the goal of achieving security. It is recommended to relax more and invest some of our energies in the outside world as much as we invest them in our internal world.

Also Venus is conjunct the South node so financial or love topics from the past might resurface or need closure. Check if there’s something holding you back (it could be a person or outdated value) and release it if you can.

7th September

On this day we have quite a surprising, unexpected and disruptive influence over our communication and thinking. This could manifest in excitement, mental tensions, heated arguments and discussions, which challenge opinions and ideas, especially rigid ones. There might be surprises and disruptions in communication so it’s recommended to stay flexible and be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. The ultimate goal is to rid us of any old thought patterns that don’t serve us any more.

7-8th September

Persistence and hard work are required now as they will lead to solid accomplishments. There might be obstacles on the way, created by other people (or our own ego!). Patience and consistency is called for even if it feels too constraining in the moment. We will reap the harvest of our actions later on and be grateful for the effort you have put in.

9th September

Mercury, the planet of communication, thinking, travel, commerce and technology re-enters Virgo, a sign that feel very comfortable in, as Mercury rules Virgo. Mercury has all the resources to function properly and productively in Virgo. Time to straighten your daily life, create a new work or health routine and approach people and situations with a somber, rational, honest and caring communication style.

11-13th September

There is confidence, optimism and enthusiasm. There might be an urge to expand your horizons and you are able to do so. You can reach your goals, and shine while making a positive contribution. Just do it without any ego battles or putting others in the backseat or the shadows. However add a little moderation while going after what you want, as Jupiter can excessively expand whatever it touches (our ego, identity, perception, other people, events, etc.)

14-15th September

This is an absolutely beautiful transit that is not obscured by any other hard aspects, so take advantage of it! Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art, sensuality, talents and money is trining Jupiter, a planet that is associated with optimism, good luck, abundance, expansion and (long-distance) travel. This is your green light to get your hands dirty with any creative project that is in your heart and let your imagination soar. Share your gifts with others without any fear of judgement. Accept invitations to social events, visit an art exhibition and let yourself be inspired because love, beauty and joy are in the air!

18th September

A full moon in Pisces and a partial North Node Lunar Eclipse is taking place today. Lunar Eclipses are super-charges Full Moons, meaning that they are not only a culmination of the last 6 months but also a portal to new opportunities. This Full Moon lunar eclipse also marks the beginning of a 2-week eclipse season. This time period might feel intense, things might feel and get out of control, but this is ultimately for our highest good.

This Full moon lunar eclipse is happening in the the sign of Pisces. Its modern ruler, Neptune is conjunct the eclipse bringing even more emphasis to topics like healing, boundaries, compassion, and our emotions.

Pay attention to what happens in the coming 2 weeks. Are there any random events, people entering your life all of a sudden, random signs or objects that you come across? Any dreams? Pay attention, as whatever occurs during an eclipse season is rarely random!

We have Neptune, the ruler of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse conjunct the Moon. Neptune blurs the boundaries of our perception and reminds us that we are all connected.

We also have Saturn loosely coinciding with the Moon. It’s a good time to check how have we been living our life so far and what has our relationship been with boundaries and emotions? Have we let our emotions flow or have we been suppressing them too much? Are there any changes that we need to make?

North Node eclipse can be chaotic and stressful, but we have the chance and freedom to initiate something new.

It is a harvest time and presents new opportunities. Be open for them.

19th September

We are gifted an energy boost right now, which we can use to step out of our comfort zone and find new ways of presenting ourselves and expressing our individuality. It’s a great influence to make changes and start new habits as life might feel brighter and more optimistic right now. Freedom and excitements are in the air, use it to enrich your life.

21st September

Energy levels might be low right now and we might feel a layer of confusion, fog or heightened sensitivity. It’s therefore recommended to postpone making important decision that can’t be revised later. Great time for contemplation, connecting to your intuition and finding new creative outlets, while transitioning to days with more clarity. If you are being persuaded about something, keep in mind that things might not be as they seem.

22nd September

We have quite a lot going on today - the sun enters Libra, marking the beginning of Libra season! Check my upcoming guide for this new astrological season in the coming days. Simultaneously we have the Sun trining Pluto and Venus squaring Pluto, which bring intense but very different energies.

You might feel powerful urges to feel a sense of your own personal power, to bring your self-confidence to the next level and to be successful in life, whatever that might mean for YOU. Relay on your own resources rather than external sources. Take action in the direction of your dreams in the personal or professional area of life.

When it comes to relationships, try to avoid unnecessary conflict. Express your point of view with honesty but know that in some situations you may need to walk away. It is important to assess your closest relationships, get clarity about your goals and what changes you need to make. You also might feel like you are out of control. Deal with any challenges now rather than putting them to the side. Know that honest and authentic relationships of any kind will stand the test of this challenging time.

23rd September

Venus in Scorpio brings intense, passionate, and transformative energy to relationships and matters of the heart. During this transit, expect deeper emotional connections and a desire for authenticity in love. Superficial interactions won’t satisfy—Venus in Scorpio seeks depth, vulnerability, and truth. This can lead to profound experiences but also a tendency toward possessiveness, jealousy, or power struggles if trust isn't fully established. It's a time for emotional rebirth, where healing through intimacy and facing hidden feelings can lead to powerful growth in both love and self-awareness.

24th September

During a Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus transit, the mind is sharp, innovative, and open to sudden insights. Mercury in Virgo's analytical and detail-oriented energy aligns harmoniously with Uranus in Taurus, fostering practical breakthroughs and original solutions. This aspect encourages thinking outside the box while staying grounded in reality, making it ideal for implementing unconventional ideas in a tangible way. Mental agility is heightened, making it easier to embrace change, adapt to new information, and approach problems with fresh, inventive perspectives that have real-world applications.

25th September

There’s a tension between clarity and confusion, rationality and intuition. Mercury in Virgo thrives on precision, analysis, and detail-oriented thinking, while Neptune in Pisces brings a dreamy, imaginative, and sometimes deceptive influence. This opposition can create mental fog, miscommunication, or blurred boundaries, making it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. However, it also offers an opportunity to blend practicality with creative inspiration, where grounding dreams into reality is possible, if one stays mindful of clarity and discernment in communication and thought processes.

26th September

Mercury enters Libra making communication take on a diplomatic and balanced tone. Thoughtful conversations are encouraged, where fairness and harmony are prioritized. You may feel more inclined to see both sides of a situation, making it easier to resolve conflicts or reach compromises. Decision-making, however, could feel slower, as Mercury in Libra seeks to weigh all options carefully before committing. This is a great time for collaborative discussions, building bridges in relationships, and finding peaceful solutions.

29th September

It’s a time of reflection and release of old patterns and habits as this influence highlights areas where we may be clinging to what feels familiar but no longer serves our growth. It can bring up situations or people from the past, offering a chance to recognize and let go of what is holding us back. We are pushed to shift our focus toward growth, evolution, and new opportunities. This is a pivotal moment to break free from old cycles and align more consciously with your life’s purpose, stepping out of your comfort zone and toward a more fulfilling direction.