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Virgo Season Guide

Welcome to Virgo season!
During this time period, the energy is focused on practicality, organization, and attention to detail. Virgos are known for their analytical minds and their ability to bring order to chaos. The next 30 days are an excellent time to focus on self-improvement, set new routines, and tackle projects that require precision and dedication. Whether you're a Virgo or not, everyone can benefit from embracing the grounded and methodical energy that Virgo season brings.

It's a great time to declutter your home, organize your workspace and mindspace, and streamline your daily routines. The meticulous nature of Virgo energy can help you identify areas in your life that need improvement and create actionable plans to address them.

Moreover, this season encourages us to pay attention to our health and well-being. Take this opportunity to adopt healthier habits, refine your diet, start a new fitness regimen, or incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine.

In relationships, Virgo season emphasizes clear communication and practical support. It's a good time to strengthen bonds with loved ones by being present, listening attentively, and offering help where needed. The detail-oriented nature of Virgo can also assist in resolving misunderstandings and fostering deeper connections.

Overall, this is a period of growth and refinement. By harnessing its energy, you can grow and achieve a sense of order and balance in your life.

Below are some of the lifestyle recommendations for connecting with the Virgo energy in the next 30 days. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

Things to Do

  • Take an inventory to areas of your life that need attention and make necessary changes

  • Examine your daily routines and create new habits if needed

  • Be of service by offering help to others

  • Get organized

  • Tidy up your home or work space

  • File your paperwork & pay your bills

  • Check your job description and if you need to make any changes to your daily work routine now is a time to do so.

  • Pay attention to details.

  • Focus on positive thinking.

  • Create a new daily health routine and commit to it: healthy body, healthy mind!

  • Eat healthy!

  • If you need medical support, research alternative and natural remedies first.

Things to avoid

  • Being too critical to yourself or others.

  • Perfectionism.

  • Nitpicking.

  • Finding flaws in people and situations.

Physical body

  • Bowels & intestines

  • Solar plexus

  • Digestation

  • Metabolism

In astrology Virgo rules specific body parts and processes. Beware of any injuries to the ones listed here. If you already have issues with them, take special care of them this season.


  • Amazonite

  • Unakite

  • Smokey quartz

  • Pink calcite

  • Dumortierite


My mind and body are in harmony.

I help others and others help me.

I am more and more organized every day.

I give my creative service for an abundant pay.

I eat healthy, exercise daily and get plenty of rest.

I focus on my physical, emotional and mental well-being.

I find creative ways to express myself.


Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, a planet connected to communication. The chakra associated with this sign is the 5th, Throat chakra. Imagine a blue light glowing around your throat while you meditate or implement more yoga poses that focus on activating this chakra, for example:

  • Shoulder stand

  • Lion pose

  • Bridge pose

  • Plow pose

  • Cat pose

  • Cow pose

  • Fish pose

  • Dolpin pose

Tarot Card

The Hermit

Essential oils

Tea tree




  • Caraway

  • Dill

  • Mint

  • Horehound

  • Marjoram

  • Fennel

House Plants

  • Chrysanthemums

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig