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Waning Moon Release Ritual

Setting intentions and manifesting on a New Moon is a great way to use the energy of a new moon cycle and invite what you want in your life. But did you know that there is a very useful ritual that you can do a few days before in order to prepare for the New Moon intention setting?

Doing a release ritual once a month during the waning moon phase is a great way to let go of what no longer serves you and make space for your intentions at the upcoming New Moon phase. This phase is happening when the moon is reducing its size (waning) from the Last Quarter phase to the New Moon phase.

What you release and let go of could be on any topic - your limiting or false beliefs (ex. that you are not good/smart/talented/skilled/experienced enough), it could be difficult emotions like fear, shame or inadequacy that are holding you back, or it could be people, places or projects that you are involved with and that are not longer aligned with who you are, where you want to be and what you want to achieve.

The Release Ritual is very easy to do! Here is what you do:

  1. Take a piece of paper and write everything that comes to mind that you want to let go of: beliefs, emotions, memories, people, projects, places, etc. You can phrase it like “I let of ……”, “I release ……” or anything else that resonates with you.

  2. Place the piece of paper in a fire-proof bowl and burn it safely.

  3. After you burn it, put the ashes in a container (a jar or similar) and go to a place with moving water, like a river, sea, ocean (just not a lake or a damm with a stagnant water).

  4. Throw the ashes into the water - make sure that there is no wind that is coming towards you. If there is wind make sure it is going away from you.

  5. If you don’t have moving water near you, you can alternatively bury the ashes or throw them out into the air - just make sure there is no wind coming towards you.

  6. While you throw the ashes into the water/air (or bury them) say out loud or in your mind the following: “I let go of everything that no longer serves me!”.

  7. Leave the place and do NOT look back while you walk away.

  8. Follow with a grounding meditation of your choice.

Now you have made space for your New Moon intentions! The ritual might not feel intense but it is very powerful, as the paper has gone through all the elements and out into the Universe!

Perform this rituals as needed during every waning moon phase.