You are an ancient luminous soul on a mysterious journey through a universe that is an incubator of higher consciousness. Would a map be helpful? Have a look at that map of the sky at the instant you took your first breath in this body. That's your ticket home.

Steven Forrest


Hello and welcome! My name is Antoniya and I’m a certified professional astrologer and tarot reader. These ancient practices have been my passion and hobby for many years. After experiencing the tremendous support they provided and the growth I gained from them (and repeatedly receiving messages that I have to share my gifts and knowledge with others) I finally decided to offer my services. So here I am, ready to help you understand yourself and your path better and to support you in aligning yourself as much as possible with your true self, your talents, gifts, and purpose(s) in life while you navigate life’s ups and downs.
Feel free to explore my offerings and get in touch with any questions :)


These readings are great for gaining a high-level view of your life - wether it is understanding your natal chart or the current cosmic weather that is influencing you, you will get a lot of clarity for the present moment, as well as the short and long-distance future. Various planetary techniques can give us insights into the the different cycles of life we are in so that we can better approach any situation.

Natal Chart reading

  • Your natal chart is your blueprint for life. The natal chart reading is suitable for someone who has never had an astrology session or would like to have a different perspective from another astrologer. In this session I analyze your birth chart and discuss important natal planetary placement that might influence your life in obvious or enigmatic ways. We go over your gifts and potential that you have, your approach to work and career, family, communication and your love. We also discuss areas of life that are challenging or blocked and how to best approach them. Your family system and generational wounds might also be discussed. Your markers for life path and direction/purpose in life will give you a perspective that you might have not explored yet and which could reveal new avenues for self-discovery and self-actualization.

    The reading could be general or focus on a specific area of your life. Please specify this when booking.

    It’s an intense session full of insights and is recorded. You can revisit the information throughout the years, as layers of that blueprint unfold through new life experiences.

    * Please note that in this session I don’t analyze how the current astrological weather is personally influencing you right now. If you would like to know what you can expect now or in the near future, please book my most comprehensive offer for this purpose: Natal chart + Current Influences reading.

  • 1h 15min

Natal Chart reading & Current Influences

  • This is my most comprehensive service, which combines a natal chart reading + a reading of the current astrological weather and how it is affecting you right now. It is a very long and intense reading but very useful as it will not only give you insights into your birth placements but also support you in your current situation(s).

    FirstI analyze your birth chart and discuss important natal planetary placement that might influence your life in obvious or enigmatic ways. We go over your gifts and potential that you have, your approach to work and career, family, communication and your love. We also discuss areas of life that are challenging or blocked and how to best approach them. Your family system and generational wounds might also be discussed. Your markers for life path and direction/purpose in life will give you a perspective that you might have not explored yet and which could reveal new avenues for self-discovery and self-actualization.

    Then we’ll move into discussing your current life situation and how it is being influenced by the current planetary movements and positions. I will share the most important influences and topics and leave room for any questions.

    The reading could be general or focus on a specific area of your life. Please specify this when booking.

  • 2 hours

Current Influences: 60min

  • This session is suitable for people who have had their natal chart reading already. It is not a prerequisite but having the natal chart reading will already answer a lot of questions you might have about your life’s purpose, events or direction.

    In this session I use advanced symbolic and real-time astrological techniques to gain insights into your present situation and where you are headed. It includes exploring your internal state that might be known only to you as well as outside influences coming into your life. We will deep dive into all of this and discuss your current life situation and how it is being influenced by the stars. I will share the most important topics and suggest strategies for navigating auspicious or challenging situations. I’ll leave room for any questions you might have.

    The reading could be general or focus on a specific topic. Please specify this when booking.

  • 1 hour

Current Influences: 30min

  • This session is suitable for people who have had their natal chart reading already. It is not a prerequisite but having the natal chart reading will already answer a lot of questions you might have about your life’s purpose, events or direction.

    This is a quick session to explore a topic you want more clarity on in your current life. I use advanced symbolic and real-time astrological techniques to gain insights into your present situation and where you are headed. I analyze the planetary positions and how they might affect your current life. I will share the most important topics and suggest strategies for navigating auspicious or challenging situations. I’ll leave room for any questions you might have.

    Please note that 30min is a really short time when it comes to astrology readings, so if you have a pressing issue or want to deep dive, I recommend booking the full 60 min session.

  • 30 min

Year Ahead reading

  • This session is suitable for people who have had their natal chart reading already. It is not a prerequisite but having the natal chart reading will already answer a lot of questions you might have about your life’s purpose, events or direction.

    It is recommended to book this reading on or around your birthday as we start a new solar year on the day of our birth. Every year we start a new chapter of the book of our life and this reading sheds more light into upcoming influences. For this reading I use advanced symbolic and real-time techniques to analyze what the next one year (until your next birthday) has in store with you, how to best use auspicious influences to your advantage and how to tackle any challenges. I’ll leave room for any questions you might have.

  • 1 hour

Career & Vocation reading

  • This is a deep dive into the areas of your chart that provide insights into your career area, your daily work and last but not least your vocation. We discuss your professional ambitions, desires, needs, talents, potential and how they could be expressed and utilized in a way that is aligned with your authentic self. We talk about how to overcome any blockages or challenges in any area related to your career (growth, development, communication, creativity, expression, leadership, partnerships, service to others, status, changes, reputation, inspiration, etc) and how to use the natal and current planetary energy to best support you for a career path that is aligned with your purpose and is flowing into the direction of your choice. I’ll leave room for any questions you might have.

  • 1 hour


Tarot readings are suitable when you would like to explore the current energies at play or get clarity about a specific topic - for the present or short-term future. Also great for those that don’t know their exact time of birth. These sessions can bring a lot of support, deeper understanding about a situation and help you approach your life with more self-love and compassion.

Tarot 360° Life reading

  • Tarot is a great tool to provide insights and support about where we are in life. This specific tarot reading explores all areas of your life in your current life situation. This is really helpful to give us not only clues about where there are challenges but also where there might be blockages, as they often might be located in an area of life where we are not focusing on but exactly that area might be in the driver seat for the remaining areas of our life. It is suitable for everyone who likes to gain more clarity and get support with challenging topics in any area of life or just want to explore what are the energies at the moment. It is a reflection of your present and the upcoming 3 months. The session is open for you to ask any follow up questions.

    No medical or legal topics or advice.

    Recorded upon request.

    Online only, live session

  • 1 hour

Tarot short reading

  • This short session is suitable for a quick exploration and support with a topic you want more clarity on in your current life. I will share the most important insights that come up and leave room for any questions you might have about navigating your current circumstances.

    No medical or legal topics or advice.

    Recorded upon reques

    ONLINE only, live session.

  • 30 min

Not sure which session is for you?
Check the FAQs, Get in Touch or click below to explore all offerings.


    Dolly Parton


  • Meeting Antoniya has been like stumbling upon a hidden treasure in the cosmos! I’m always fascinated by her insights and gift for astrology as it isn’t just about knowing the stars; it's about understanding people in ways that feel almost magical.

    Thanks to her cosmic GPS hahaha, I have slowly gained back some clarity and a sense of direction in a very confusing time. You always feel warmth and genuine lights in her presence. Always happy to be around her and it feels like a heart-to-heart chat with a dear friend in her session as well, she creates a safe space where vulnerability isn’t judged but celebrated.

    Forever grateful to have known Antoniya🔮✨

    Dominika, Berlin

  • Magic Tony…

    I had a little time to breathe and digest the madness of these last months. Reflecting on everything, I really wanted to send you this message to express my heartfelt gratitude for being there for me with your invaluable astrological insight and generous sharing of your knowledge.

    Your understanding of astrology was a pillar of support for me. It helped me grasp the complexities of my journey and navigate through challenging decisions with greater confidence.

    You were more than a guidance; you were a compassionate ally, a support system, deeply attuned to my aspirations and personal challenges. I am deeply thankful for the wisdom and feel blessed to have you in my life! 💫

    Anna A., Berlin

  • I recently had an incredible astrological session with Antonia. She was exceptionally empathic, tuning into my situation with an extraordinary level of sensitivity and understanding. Her insights were not only deeply resonant but also practically helpful. The guidance I received played a crucial role in timing a significant change in my life, which has since unfolded beautifully.

    Moreover, the session was a pure joy, radiating positive energy that was especially welcome after a hard day at work. I was deeply appreciative of the fact that I received a recording of the session for future reference. What made the experience even more valuable was the opportunity to ask questions throughout the session, all of which were thoughtfully and thoroughly answered. I highly recommend this experience to anyone seeking clarity, comfort, and meaningful direction in their life's journey.

    Anonymous, Germany

  • Before a recent life transition, I requested a current influences reading with Antoniya. Little did I know that what I actually needed was a much deeper and a wider view of my “life influences”, not only of current influences. And there was Antoniya at the beginning of our session, integrating elements of my natal chart in the reading, because she foresaw that this was integral to the proper understanding of what was happening at present. She knew, way better than I did, what I really needed.

    Antoniya beautifully structured the reading in a way that was hyper relevant, understandable, and actionable. She effortlessly navigated between big picture themes and granular details, without ever digressing from the overall arc. I had the opportunity to ask questions when I needed to clarify a certain aspect of the reading. This was really helpful for my understanding at a deeper level and made the session that much more beneficial.

    The content of the reading was eerily accurate. All the things Antoniya pointed to started unfolding in the next weeks and months, with almost surgical precision. I’ve always been a “somewhat believer” in astrology but this recent experience really took my belief in the cosmic order of things to the next level.

    In a nutshell, much respect and appreciation to Antoniya for her dedication, gift, and generosity! I highly recommended this experience to everyone.

    Boryana, NYC

  • I had a pleasure of receiving a Natal Chart reading from Antonia and it was an illuminating experience. I have discovered new ways to reflect on my qualities and challenges in life with laughter and lightness. The reading was intelligent, extensive and inspired. Antonia provided lots of information and yet managed to narrow it down in a way that made sense to me and stuck in my mind. She shows up with empathy and creates a space of trust by inviting questions and shades. Her approach is one of openness where she explores a potentiality of a quality, rather than a specific expression of it. I never felt boxed in but rather guided into new ways to explore, move forward and integrate. I especially enjoyed visualizations and clear practices that she offered with the reading, which spoke to the more dreamy part of me and in days after. This reading was a rich space of curiosity, insight, and healing and I am grateful for it. Antonia is someone who truly lives her art.

    Mina, Berlin

  • I had my first session with Antonia a year ago during a challenging moment in my life. It was trully a suprising and also a great learning experience for me where she shared some specific information on what this few months period meant and why I might be experiencing the difficulties related to health and relationships. Needless to say I just listened and didn’t share much details in advance. It truly suprised me to hear information through the reading which resonated deeply. This year she’s done a natal chart for me and has confirmed my role in my family as I’ve already known it to be for years. Antonia is a great listener, very knowledgeable and compassionate. She is a true continuous learner through life, and extremely driven. Looking forward for my next reading!
    Thank you!

    Kris, NYC

  • I believe we all have specific gifts, and even though I know a little about astrology, Antoniya made me realize that there is so much more to learn. She delivers your reading gracefully while giving wonderful insights into what she discovers and why it’s important. For me, that made all the difference because it’s easy enough to find your birth chart online or follow someone on TikTok who will tell you what to look for, but you never get the deeper meaning or the specific “why” it’s so important for you. You get the why with Antoniya, and I can’t even describe how much that’s worth!!

    Elicia, Los Angeles

  • I can’t recommend enough Antoniya!

    If you are curious, wanna learn more about yourself and you are interested in personal growth through astrology Antoniya is your person, the perfect choice!!

    Her generosity, knowledge, passion and expertise are fascinating and she makes everything very comprehensive and understandable.

    Elia, Barcelona

  • Antoniya is a precious constellation made of Passion, Study and dedication.

    Very patient and desiring to help where it means the most to you !

    Hervé, Barcelona