How our Natal Moon reveals and guides our authentic self

Self-paced course

Lifetime access

Our natal Moon holds the key to one of our most personal and hidden aspects of our life - our emotions, our emotional needs, our body, our core personality when no one is looking or when we’re with family/close friends, and the experiences and places which makes us feel secure, safe and stable. 

This knowledge could be used to fuel our journey through life and help us grow as a person and a soul in alignment with our true self. Tuning into that knowledge and acknowledging its needs is an important step for living a fulfilling and purposeful life. 

This is a course that deep dives into our natal Moon placements:

  1. Moon Signs - I will guide you on a journey through the Moon in different signs and share how they are expressed and what their needs are.

  2. Moon in the 12 Houses - I will analyze how the moon expresses itself in each house that is in

  3. Moon in aspects and aspect patterns - Interpretations of different aspects and aspect patterns the moon is involved with and what they mean

  4. Transiting Moon - Influence of the transiting moon and how it affects us on a micro level.

  5. Moon phases - Information about how to work with the Moon phases (new, full, waxing, waning) in our everyday life and how to best harness this energy.

  6. Eclipses - Information on eclipses, how they affect us on a personal level and how to best work with them