Hello and nice to meet you!

My name is Antoniya and I’m a certified professional astrologer, tarot reader and a lifelong designer. I got interested in the spiritual and esoteric world when I was 11 years old, growing up in Sofia, Bulgaria at a time when there was no internet and all the information came through books, friends and local mystics and healers. I was immensely attracted to this inexplicable world and wanted to know everything about astrology, tarot, chakras, aura, magic, reincarnations, angels, spirit guides, etc.

  This passion remained but went to the back seat for some time while I focused on my career as an award-winning designer and entrepreneur. It re-emerged again a few years ago and I had no choice but to put it front and center in my life. I was uncontrollably devouring books, finding mentors, connecting with like-minded communities, signing up for courses. There was no going back.

And during these times I repeatedly got messages from my tarot cards that I had to share my knowledge, to support others on their journey with the lessons I’ve learned. But I felt blocked again and again for years, unable to speak up and openly share my interests and my knowledge. Until Chiron (the wounded healer archetype in astrology) came to the most public zone in my chart, sat there and asked me to stand up, to share my knowledge, to speak up, to heal my wound of feeling afraid of leading and healing others, to drop the fear and inadequacy and just fucking go for it. And that’s what I did. 

I started sharing my passion for tarot and astrology and that in return magnetically attracted people that I was aligned with, people I could support with my gifts and knowledge. My wound became a gift towards myself and others.

I believe in a holistic well-being approach, where all aspects of our lives contribute to our overall wellness. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health comprise our holistic health. We are one and one can not thrive and grow as a soul in a human form without all these areas being in a healthy balance. 

So I am here and I would love to support you with your growth, with aligning yourself to your truest path. But please know that often there is no QUICK FIX unfortunately. And I feel like we shouldn’t trust anyone who promises that. At the end of the day it all depends on you - on you taking action and responsibility to do the work required on your personal path, because it is uniquely yours and nobody else’s! Walk your path, no one can do that for you. Fall down and then stand up. And I am here to provide information that you know but maybe have somehow forgotten!

So let’s dive and see what’s in the cards and stars for you ;)

Much love,
