Cancer Season Guide

Today the Sun enters this cardinal water sign of Cancer and will stay there until 22nd July. This is a guide about how to get to know and connect with this Cancerian energy. Even if you don’t have any planets or angles in this sign, it is still ruling part of your chart and it’s therefore a good idea to either check your birth chart and locate where Cancer is or book a session in order to gain more clarity about this area of your chart. Mercury and Venus already entered Cancer earlier this week on 16th June, further emphasising this area of your chart.

Cancer as a sign is all about emotions, nurturing, safety and security, home and family. It likes to have a cosy safe space that feels like home and nurture lasting connection with people that feel like family.

It teaches us the importance of really connecting and listening to our intuition, acknowledging and giving space to our emotions and cultivating more empathy and compassion with others. The symbol of the Cancer is the crab, a creature with a hard protective shell that carries its home wherever it goes and a tender soft inside, symbolic of the feelings that it is trying to protect.

It rules the home and family (or places that feel like home and people that feel like family), our roots and past and where we come from. It asks us to make peace with these topics. The following 30 days are therefore a good time to repair any strained family relationships, adjust our home environment and make peace with our past.

Below are some of the lifestyle recommendations for connecting with the Cancerian energy in the next 30 days. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

Things to Do

  • Prepare for an emotional month!

  • Connect to your intuition.

  • Acknowledge your emotions and give them an outlet.

  • Create a safe, cosy and comfortable environment at home or wherever else you crave it.

  • Spend time at home.

  • Check in and connect with your parents, especially with your mother (or the person that played that role).

  • Spend time with family or with people that feel like family.

  • Work on your insecurities and fears and check if you are self-sabotaging.

  • Make peace with your past, your roots and origin.

  • Nurture yourself or others, especially children.

  • Spend time near water or take a bath.

  • Try to approach projects and situations head on and forward, rather than sideways.

  • Track your moods in a journal throughout the month and see how they flow.

Things to avoid

Withdrawing, especially without sharing to others how you feel

Feeling of insecurity



Overly cautious behaviours

Fear of rejection

A lack of definitely goals


Being insecure, clingy and no fun

Being sulky, moody, brooding or manipulative

Being paranoid

Physical body

In astrology Cancer rules specific body parts. Beware of any injuries to the ones listed here. If you already have issues with them take special care of them this season.

Breasts & Chest cavity Pancreas Stomach & ulcers


Moonstone, pearl, amber, beril, brown shpinel, carnelian, calcite, calcedone, chrisoprase, smaragd, opal, rose/pink turquoise, rodonite, ruby, moss, agate, fire agate, dendrite agate


I feel and listen to my intuition.

I feel a sense of security in every area of my life.

I feel like I belong wherever I go, whoever I’m with.

I know where I belong.

I easily attract the perfect home for me.

I love my home and I feel safe.

I effortlessly spend more joyful time with my family.

I love my family and my family loves me.

I am surrounded by wonderful people that feel like family.

I easily spend quality time with my family (or people that feel like family).

I liberate myself from any past experiences and release that burden.

I let go of any of my behaviours that no longer serve me.

I embrace my personal expansion and growth.

I easily ask for help.

I release all my fears and and the ways in which I self-sabotage.

I co-create intimate moments with ease and grace.

I cultivate relationships that are empathetic, nurturing, caring and safe.

I am safe and accepted even when I’m vulnerable.

I communicate my feelings in loving and responsible ways.

I experience the joy of mutual emotional connection in all my relationships.

I feel emotionally nourished by people and activities that are healthy for me.

I support and nurture others in ways that are healthy for me.

I embrace rejection and know that is a re-direction.

I easily define goals that empower me to rise and surpass any blockages.


3rd eye chakra (Ajna) Cancer rules intuition and the chakra associated with this sign is the third eye chakra. Imagine an indigo blue light glowing between your eyes while you meditate or implement more yoga poses that focus on activating the third chakra, for example extended child’s pose, downward-facing dog, forward bend, lotus pose, head-to-knee pose or cow face pose.

Tarot Card

The Chariot

Essential oil



Sage, Aloe, Lemon balm, Bay, Parsley, Milky oats

House Plants

Chasta Daisies
Chinese Money Plant




Full Moon in Capricorn


June Astrology Forecast