Full Moon in Aquarius

Today we have a Full moon in Aquarius, a sign that is independent, progressive, innovative and humanitarian. The Sun and the Moon are exactly squaring Uranus, the ruler of this Full moon, charging this lunation with a disruptive energy, which can manifest through sudden changes, surprises or chaos. There might be a powerful urge to break free from traditional norms and explore new ways of thinking and being. Full moons energies are always heightened but now we have another layer of unsettling Uranian influence that might bring breakthroughs. Many things might be out of your control, events might take an unexpected turn, but it is ultimately for your highest good.

During this time, you may also notice a strong desire for independence and authenticity. The energy of Aquarius supports breaking away from old habits and structures that no longer serve your highest good. It's a period to celebrate your uniqueness and to express your true self without fear of judgment.

Reflection is a key aspect of the Full Moon in Aquarius. Consider how you can contribute to the greater good and align your personal goals with collective aspirations. Itโ€™s a transformative period that invites you to innovate, connect, and contribute.

Embrace the energy of change and allow it to guide you towards a more enlightened and interconnected way of living.

๐ŸŒ• Full moons are a time of culmination, illumination and celebration, of harvesting the crops that we planted about 6 months ago, around the 10th Feb 2024, when we had the New Moon in Aquarius. So go back in time and check if there was anything particular that you started around this time. Maybe it was just an idea that later developed into a project with a bigger vision or a wish that materialized.

๐Ÿ† Take some time to connect to yourself and celebrate your success and how far youโ€™ve come. Take account of all the things youโ€™ve learned the last 6 months and give yourself the space to be proud and happy with your accomplishments.


๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ Meditation is always a great practice which helps us to calm down our minds when the energies of the full moon are usually quite high and often overwhelming.

โœ๏ธ Gratitude - take some paper and write at least 10 things that you are grateful for - notice the small and big things that you have in life and donโ€™t take anything for granted. Feel the gratitude in your body and how it shifts your energy.

๐Ÿ’ž Forgiveness - take another piece of paper and create a forgiveness list - journal about all the things you forgive yourself and approach this with lots of love and compassion. Then write about other people who have wronged you. If you feel resistance, try as much as you can and promise yourself to continue the process throughout the moon cycles.

Choose to burn or keep the lists and proceed with another grounding meditation.

๐ŸŒ Enjoy this full moon!


Virgo Season Guide


Jupiter square Saturn transit