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Libra Season Guide

Libra season marks the time of year when we are invite balance, harmony, and connection into our lives. Ruled by Venus, Libra is the sign of beauty, relationships, justice, and diplomacy. During this season, there's a natural focus on creating equilibrium—whether in personal relationships, work-life balance, or the aesthetic aspects of your surroundings. It's a time to consider how you give and receive, making sure that your interactions and environment reflect a sense of fairness and grace. The energy of Libra encourages us to cultivate peace, seek compromise, and foster meaningful collaborations.

To maximize the potential of Libra season, prioritize your relationships. This is an ideal time to repair, strengthen, or deepen your bonds with others—whether that's in friendships, romantic partnerships, or professional collaborations. Since Libra values fairness, it’s also a great time to evaluate where you might need to restore balance, particularly in areas where you've been giving too much or too little. Engaging in honest, yet diplomatic communication can help heal misunderstandings and create more harmonious interactions.

Additionally, take this season as an opportunity to indulge in beauty and self-care. Redecorate your space, enhance your wardrobe, or simply take time to appreciate the arts. Engaging in these Venus-ruled activities can elevate your mood and align you with the graceful energy Libra brings. Remember, the aim during Libra season is not only to balance outer circumstances but also to harmonize your inner world, leading to greater clarity and fulfilment.

To Do

  • See the beauty of life

  • Connect with others

  • Relate to others by sharing your thoughts, ideas, feelings and ways of doing things.

  • Focus on relationships and partnerships

  • Clean them up

  • Finding a balance between your needs and catering to other people’s needs

  • Forgive yourself for your mistakes (esp. relationship ones)

  • Reconcile with enemies

  • If you are single, it’s time to go on a date

  • Apologize to past partners if you’ve hurt them

  • List the qualities you’re looking for in a partner

  • Relate to others

  • Form new partnerships

  • Sort any problems with them with diplomacy and charm

  • Negotiate anything that needs it - a relationship or a contract

  • Get some art for your hone

  • Devote some time to look good (whatever this means to you)

  • Regain your identity if you feel you’ve lost it in someone else to some extent

To avoid

  • Codependency

  • Appeasing behaviors

  • Indecision

  • Aimless debate

  • Excessive concerns with appearance

  • Neglecting your own needs

  • Living life through someone else

  • Being too concerned about others

Physical body

  • Adrenal glands

  • Buttocks

  • Kidneys

  • Diabetes

In astrology Libra rules specific body parts. Beware of any injuries to the ones listed here. If you already have issues with them, take special care of them this season.





Peach Moonstone


I create balance in all areas of my life, finding peace in both giving and receiving.

I balance my needs and the needs of those around me, ensuring harmony within and without.

I balance my professional and personal life with ease, creating space for joy, relaxation, and meaningful relationships.
I attract relationships that are aligned with my highest good and promote mutual growth.

I show up as my true self in all relationships, inviting others to do the same, creating deep, meaningful connections.

I nurture authentic, loving connections that allow me to grow while honouring others' journeys.

I attract the most aligned partner for me with whom I start a loving relationship with shared _____(values, life goals, etc) and mutual ________(trust, respect, support, love, passion, etc).

I do my best to bring harmony, balance and peace to all of my relationships.

I stand up for what is right with clarity and confidence

I approach challenges with diplomacy, seeking peaceful and constructive resolutions.

I trust in the power of compromise and cooperation, knowing that by working together, we achieve greater outcomes.

I negotiate from a place of balance and fairness, considering the needs of others as I honor my own.

I honour my own needs, desires and boundaries while maintaining respect and compassion for others.

I balance my personal growth with the beauty of collaboration, knowing that both are essential.

I liberate myself from any past relationship attachments.

I honour my boundaries and respect the boundaries of others, knowing that true intimacy grows from mutual trust and respect.

I release people-pleasing and the compulsion to be liked by others.

I release the habit of comparing myself to others.

I easily collaborate and negotiate in any situation and create a win-win situations.


Heart chakra (Anahata)

Libra is ruled by Venus, a planet associated love and relationships and the chakra associated with this sign is the heart chakra. Imagine a green light glowing from your heart while you meditate or implement more yoga poses that focus on activating this chakra, for example:

  • Upward facing dog

  • Standing backbend

  • Lord of the dance

  • Half Lord of the fishes

  • Cobra pose

  • Camel pose

  • Bow pose

  • Wheel pose

  • Sphinx pose

Tarot Card


Essential Oil




Herbs & Spices

Catnip, Lady's mantle, Elderberry, Thyme, Bergamot (bee balm)

House Plants

Virginia bluebells

String of Pearls