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May Astrology Forecast

April proved to be a wild ride for many (especially for anyone with planets or angles in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn). The silver lining? April is behind us and the astrology of May is positively radiant, bringing us one of the most auspicious cosmic influences of the year.

Yet, navigating auspicious influences presents its own challenge! Unlike challenging aspects which are immediately felt as external or internal influences, auspicious influences are EASY TO MISS! Because when we're basking in contentment, we might overlook the opportunity to sow the seeds of growth and expansion.

If you are curious where these aspects fall in your chart, consider book a session and let's delve into what lies ahead this month so you can harness the rare and fortunate energies that arise only once every 12 years!

Venus moved into Taurus at the end of April where it will stay until 23 May 2024. This is really really great astrology, because Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art, connection is in its home sign. It’s a very strong position, meaning that it has all the resources to function and enjoy life to the fullest. In addition, Jupiter is also in Taurus and they meet for an expansive, generative and abundant conjunction on 23 May (read more on this below)! It can’t get any sweeter than that and this celestial dance happens once every 10-12 years!

Meanwhile, Mars has entered Aries at the end of April. Mars is at home in Aries and it will support us with the drive, enthusiasm and motivation to take inspired action. It will help us align with what truly matters to us especially when it meets the North Node later in May.

Here are some key dates to mark in your calendar for May:

2 May
Pluto stations retrograde until October 11, 2024. This retrograde phase holds special significance as it marks Pluto's final journey through Capricorn in our lifetime. During this period, we're called to revisit and resolve lingering issues related to the areas of life impacted by Pluto's transformative influence since 2008.

3rd May
A day brimming with supportive energy, ideal for accomplishing tasks with ease and efficiency.. Avoid conflicts and power struggles and you will be headed for the win

8 May
We have a beautiful new moon in Taurus at 18 degrees. New moons are a powerful new beginning, a fertile ground for setting intentions for the upcoming 6 months. With the new moon in Taurus focus on money, finances & real estate by evaluating your financial situation and making a financial plan. Love, sensuality, self-care and connection with others is another relevant topic. Evaluate your self-worth and write 5-10 things that you like about yourself. Know that the more you deepen and nourish the connection to yourself, the more magnetic you become for love and financial abundance.

13 May
The spark is back in our lives and new and exciting opportunities might show up. You might feel the urge to break free and embrace new ways of being and doing things. Go with the flow and accept change without resistance. Sun is conjunct Uranus and as with anything Uranus, there is the element of surprise, this time to our identity and self-image.

18 May
A few things are happening today that are simultaneously beautiful and unexpected. Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Taurus, an event that happens once every 12-13 years, bringing optimism, expansion and confidence supporting us to reach goals and bringing good fortune. Share your success and lift each other up. Exercise moderation and stick to a healthy diet. 

Venus is conjunct Uranus, bringing unexpected surprises - our finances and relationships might experience a turbulence. Mars is conjunct the North Node, asking us to take action into the uncharted territory of our life path while confronting our fears of the unknown. 

19-28 May
A flow of optimism, idealism, inspiration, dreamyness and imagination enter our lives. Seize these moments, especially around the dates below, when the influence will be felt even more.

20 May
The Sun enters Gemini and marks the start of Gemini season, focusing on communication, siblings, our extended family and straightening up our daily life. The energy is light, playful, cheerful and asks us to be curious, communicative, versatile and flexible as this makes going through life much easier with the support of this mutable air sign.

23 May
Full moons are a time of culmination, harvest, and celebration. This full moon in Sagittarius focuses on the feeling of expansion, adventurousness and fun. It's an opportunity to see life from a higher perspective and celebrate what you have achieved. If you have initiated projects (especially related to publishing, learning, teaching, philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel ) around mid-December 2023, now is the time to honor your progress. Take it easy during this heightened energy phase, practicing meditation, forgiveness, and gratitude for all you have accomplished.

On the same day, Venus is conjunct Jupiter and sextile Neptune, which is beyond beautiful! 

Connect and follow your heart’s desires. It's a very lucky day that brings good fortune to our love life, artistic hobbies, finances or vocation. Accept invitations, have fun, buy a lottery ticket. Take a chance, whatever that might look like for you.

25 May
Jupiter enters Gemini, which happens once every 12-13 years, meaning that this benefic planet will highlight and expand the part of our chart that contains Gemini for the next 1+ year. Time to be social, curious, communicative, network and meet new people.

Wishing you a month filled with love, connection, beautiful surprises and stability!

If you're interested in understanding how these planetary transits are impacting you personally, consider booking a personalized astrology reading with me. Explore all services here. You can also connect with me on Instagram @iva_nova_astrology.

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