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Moon Circle: Aries Full Moon

To celebrate this Friday's Full Moon in Aries, I will be guiding another circle, where we gather to connect, ground and reflect on the current moon energies.

Marking a culmination of the moon cycle in Aries, one of the most intense signs of the zodiac, we will be going through various meditation, visualisation and journaling practices to surrender, forgive (ourselves and others), release what no longer serves us and connect deeper with our authentic selves.

The full moon is happening in Aries during Libra season, activating the axis of relationships. During this time we are challenged to acknowledge and review various topics in our interpersonal relationships and find a balance between aligning with our dreams and purpose while we create, maintain and nourish various relationships in our life. We will be exploring the intersection of being aligned to our purpose, going after what we desire while sharing the experience of living with others, creating harmony and balance.

Low and high vibrational manifestations of the Aries-Libra axis will be discussed so that we can recognize them in ourselves and others and course-correct our relationships when needed.

Come join me on this journey together during one of the most exciting full moons this year! Looking forward to share this moment with you!

September 14

Moon Circle: Virgo New Moon

November 22

Astrology for Passion, Purpose, Success