August Astrology Forecast

28th July - 4th September

August is marked by a transit that lasts from 28th July until 4th September. We have a sextile between two outer planets - Neptune and Pluto. Neptune is the planet of collective intuition, emotion and inspiration and Pluto is the planet of transformation, power, control, death and rebirth. When these two planets are forming an auspicious aspect like this one, we are supported in reclaiming our spiritual power. We might feel our agency and we might feel at once with the Universe without the need to get validation.

Recognize and acknowledge your spiritual path and your strength. Align your action towards opportunities that open up and feel aligned. But it’s also important to recognize any goals that are unrealistic as Neptune can easily cloud our vision. Find the balance between idealism and being in control of your environment. Our intuition might be heightened as well as our ability to penetrate and grasp concepts and complex insights on a personal or collective level. Contemplate how can you be of service to the world and co-create a world that is spiritually united and powerful.

2nd August

Uranus is involved in this day-long transit so watch out for any surprises and sudden disruptions. Creative project or people might come out of the blue in your life bringing excitement or chaos.. Beware any financial tensions or surprises in this short influence.

Another area of life that might be affected is your romantic relationships. If you have a sudden urge to break free from an existing partnership because you lack freedom or excitement, it is better to communicate this. Wait until this period is over as it might push you to take rash decisions that you might regret later. If you are single and meet someone today, the person might feel difficult and the initial relationship challenging. Wait some time before you commit.

4th August

We have a beautiful New Moon in passionate and enthusiastic Leo at 11:12am (GMT+1). This lunation at 12° Leo is sextile Jupiter further bringing optimism and joy. New moons are a powerful new beginning, a fertile ground for setting intentions. With the new moon in Leo, focus on having fun, being creative, generous, expressive. Evaluating how you have approached these topics so far. Make a commitment to bring more generousity, playfulness and creativity into your life. Think about how you can support this new moon's intentions in the next 6 months without being excessive.

5th August

The week starts with a Mercury retrograde on 5th August. This is usually a dreaded period for many but this first week of the retrograde we are blessed with some very supportive astrology, so there is nothing to be feared!

First of all, Mercury starts its retrograde motion in the sign of Virgo, a signed where it’s at home, feels comfortable in, and has all of the resources it needs in order to thrive. And it will stay in Virgo until 15th August where it will go back to Leo for the second part of the retrograde period.

Second, we have Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art, talents, emotions and resources entering Virgo on the same day the retrograde starts, and meeting Mercury later in the week. Venus in Virgo is humble, diligent and analytical, so our love lives and finances might get more quiet and toned down for the next few weeks. Practice moderation with your spending and double check your bills.

6-8th August

We have a very auspicious aspect between the Sun and Jupiter on August 7, which is really spreading out to 6-8 August. It is an influence that is very supportive of our growth, how we want to shine in the world, and it adds a heavy dose of expansion, joy, optimism. It pushes us to stand up and shine our light, without worrying about what everyone else thinks. It is not recommended to start any new projects during a Mercury retrograde, but this great meeting of the Sun and Jupiter can crack open a seed of creativity inside us that can sprout and flourish in the days and months to come. So take some time for introspection and ask yourself the following qustions: where and how are you dimming your light? Where are you feeling less worthy than you should feel? How do you self-sabotage your growth and expansion? Are you on the path and life journey that you would like to be on? If not, what needs to be course-corrected? Mercury retrogrades are a great time for introspection, evaluation, edit and re-work so this is a great moment to adjust what is not working.

8th August

On this day we have a Mercury retrograde - Venus conjunction on 8th August, infusing communication with the themes of beauty, love and emotions. It’s a good time to explore the merging of emotions, love and values with rational and analytical thinking and see how you can align these two very different realms so that they are in service of our goals and higher purpose.

13-16th August

We have the support to move forward with confidence and energy. Our actions are blessed and will bring us abundance, good luck and success, however considering that we are in a Mercury retrograde it is advised to use the energy and take action to revisit and edit and finish certain areas of life, rather than start from scratch. Focus on anything related to writing, reading, learning or communication.

15th August

Mercury Retrograde enters the sign of Leo where it will stay until the end of the retrograde on 28th August. This transit encourages us to reevaluate our approach to creativity and leadership, particularly in the realm of communication. It’s essential to strike a balance between assertiveness and recklessness, as conflicts may arise more easily during this time. Additionally, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites us to reassess topics around creativity, passion, generosity, children (our own or other people’s) and our heart’s desires, ensuring that our actions align with our authentic selves. Read my upcoming guide for Mercury Rx in Leo!

16th August

Beware of any plans not coming to fruition and resist the urge to control them, as any delays are likely to be in your advantage and you will find out about the reasons later. So accomplish what you can by staying disciplined and consistent. If you feel anger and frustration, practice (safe!) sports in order to feel calmer and more patient.

We also have another layer of influences with a very different energy - we have the culmination of the auspicious sextile aspect between Neptune and Pluto where we are supported in reclaiming our spiritual power. We might feel our agency and we might feel at once with the Universe without the need to get validation.

Recognize and acknowledge your spiritual path and your strength. Align your action towards opportunities that open up and feel aligned. But it’s also important to recognize any goals that are unrealistic as Neptune can easily cloud our vision. Find the balance between idealism and being in control of your environment. Our intuition might be heightened as well as our ability to penetrate and grasp concepts and complex insights on a personal or collective level.

18th August

On this day we have quite a surprising, unexpected and disruptive influence over our communication and thinking. This could manifest in excitement, mental tensions, heated arguments and discussions, which challenge opinions and ideas, especially rigid ones. There might be surprises and disruptions in communication so it’s recommended to stay flexible and be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. The ultimate goal is to rid us of any old thought patterns that don’t serve us any more.

19th August

Today we have a full moon in Aquarius and we might feel a powerful urge to break free from traditional norms and explore new ways of thinking and being. Full moons energies are always heightened but now we have another layer of unsettling Uranian influence that might bring breakthroughs. Many things might be out of your control, events might take an unexpected turn, but it is ultimately for your highest good.

During this time, you may also notice a strong desire for independence and authenticity. The energy of Aquarius supports breaking away from old habits and structures that no longer serve your highest good. It's a period to celebrate your uniqueness and to express your true self without fear of judgment.

In addition to this, we have a Mercury cazimi and Venus opposing Saturn.

Mercury cazimi signifies a potent alignment intensifying Mercury's influence on communication, intellect, and cognition. This aspect enhances mental clarity, expressiveness, and insight, fostering creative self-expression and effective communication. It's crucial to remain mindful of ego involvement as both planets are in Leo.

15-24 August -Jupiter square Saturn

The Jupiter square Saturn aspect represents a significant tension between expansion and restriction, growth and limitation. In astrology, Jupiter symbolizes abundance, optimism, and the desire for exploration, while Saturn represents structure, discipline, and responsibility. When these two planets form a square, it creates a dynamic challenge that requires action and balancing these opposing energies.

22nd August

Welcome to Virgo season! As the Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd, we welcome the start of Virgo season, a time characterized by practicality, attention to detail, and a focus on health and well-being. Virgo's earthy energy encourages us to get organized, refine our routines, and pay attention to the finer details of our lives. It's a period for self-improvement, where we can channel Virgo's analytical and meticulous nature to make meaningful progress in our personal and professional endeavors.

23rd August

When Venus squares Mars, the tension between our desires and actions becomes palpable. This aspect often brings to the surface conflicts in relationships, as Venus represents love, harmony, and attraction, while Mars embodies drive, aggression, and assertiveness. During this transit, we may experience heightened passions and frustrations, leading to potential clashes with loved ones. It's a time when balancing the need for harmony with the urge to assert oneself becomes crucial. The key is to navigate this energy by finding constructive outlets for passion and conflict, ensuring that disagreements lead to growth rather than discord. This aspect encourages us to address underlying issues in our relationships and work towards a more balanced and harmonious connection.

In addition we have Mercury trining Chiron. When this is happening during a Mercury retrograde phase, it emphasizes introspection and healing dialogue. This aspect brings to the surface old wounds and unresolved issues around our identity and assertiveness, supporting and encouraging honest communication. It prompts us to explore the root causes of our vulnerabilities and insecurities, seeking alternative perspectives and solutions. Retrograde Mercury amplifies the significance of learning from past experiences and integrating our wounds into our sense of self with compassion. Overall, this alignment symbolizes a period of deep introspection and transformation, supporting us to heal our inner wounds and embark on a journey of self-acceptance, self-compassion and growth.

24th August

During this day, there might be an urge to be quick and honest in the way we communicate. Just be careful that you are still kind and compassionate to others. If you have tasks or projects that require quick thinking and decision-making, now is a good time to go over them, but make sure they have been started before the retrograde period started - if not, wait for Mercury to go direct before taking a final decision. Go over task and to-do list that you need to revisit - you have the mental agility to get a lot of things done today.

24th August

The Mars sextile Chiron aspect on August 24th presents a harmonious opportunity for healing and empowerment. Mars represents our drive, ambition, and assertive energy, while Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," symbolizes our deepest wounds and the potential for profound healing. When these two celestial bodies form a sextile, it creates a supportive environment for addressing and healing old wounds, particularly those related to our sense of self and personal power. This aspect encourages us to take courageous steps towards healing past traumas, asserting ourselves with confidence, and transforming our vulnerabilities into strengths. It's a period where we can harness our inner warrior to confront and heal our deepest insecurities, leading to personal growth and empowerment.

27th August

You are invited to connect with friends, colleagues or meet new people, no matter how different and quirky they might be. You will be energised by contacts with people that are very different from you, so give everyone the freedom to be themselves. It is also a great time to share your thoughts, feelings and passions no matter how bizarre or different you might think they are. There is a pleasure in enjoying intellectually stimulating conversations and relationships.

28th August

Mercury finally goes DIRECT at 21:14 (GMT+1) so we can say goodbye to an especially challenging mid-summer retrograde period. Some final hick-ups might take place, as this shift resembles the changing of the gears of a car, we might feel a final shake before we continue on our path straight ahead.

It’s also not a good day to take any major decision as we have a Venus-Neptune opposition which night cloud our clear vision and confuse us. Instead it’s a great day to focus on activities that inspire and heal us - visiting an art gallery, watching a beautiful and inspiring film, creating art, doing anything that makes you feel free. If you can’t do that or are feeling disillusioned, know that the clouds will clear soon and more love and beauty is coming soon. Be careful when spending money today.

29th August

Venus is leaving Virgo, a sign that it doesn’t feel especially comfortable in and she enters Libra, a sign that she is at home in, as it has all the resources to enjoy life, connect and savour beauty, sensuality, abundance and connect with others and spread love.

Stay attuned to your intuition and how you relate to others and how they make you feel. If there are any strong emotions, the advice is to stay diplomatic and see how this might be healing for you. There might be powerful attractions working their magic right now when it comes to love and money. Good luck is coming to the financial area of life with possible salary increases or other financial gains. It’s a good day for achieving good balance between self-love and love for others.


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