Leo Season Guide

The Sun has just entered the fixed fire sign of Leo and will stay there until 22nd August. This is a guide about how to get to know and connect with Leo energy. Even if you don’t have any planets or angles in this sign, it is still ruling a part of your chart. It’s therefore a good idea to either check your birth chart and see where Leo is located for you or book a session in order to gain more clarity about this area of your chart and get tips about topics to focus on. Mercury and Venus are also already in Leo, further emphasising this area of your chart.

In its high manifestation Leo as a sign is all about creativity, courage, stamina, generosity, romance, having fun and leading from the heart. It likes to be center stage, expressive with its opinions and emotions, and sometimes even dramatic.

It teaches us the importance of confidence, passion, playfulness and really connecting to our hearts and courageously creating from the heart in all its forms - from creating art to creating children. Hence as a sign it rules children - your own or someone’s else’s. It asks us to approach life with the curiosity and playfulness of a child and explore the world with open eyes and full heart. The symbol of Leo is the lion, an animal that is the ruler of the animal kingdom, one that goes after what it wants, is not afraid to show off and also knows how to rest.

It rules the heart, our romantic life (more of the uncommitted stage, like flirting and dating), leadership, creativity, courage and having fun. It asks us to connect and make peace with these topics. The following 30 days are therefore a good time to check where you are blocking yourself from fully showing up and owning your power and talents and how you can have more fun. How can you practice more courage and also reconsider your relationship to children - your own or someone else’s.

Below are some of the lifestyle recommendations for connecting with the Leo energy in the next 30 days. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

Things to Do

  • Celebrate life!

  • Have fun! Laugh!

  • Have a good time with people you love.

  • Remember that life is a game.

  • Allow your inner child to have a blast this month.

  • Show off.

  • Spoil yourself.

  • Take a vacation and fully relax.

  • If you are single, now is a good time to go out, connect with other, flirt and date.

  • If you are in a relationship, now is a good time to find fun and playful activities that ignite the spar and passion in your relationship

  • Find activities that excite you and you are passionate about and spend time doing them.

  • Get creative - feel what creativity means for you and engage in activities that make your heart sing. This could be art related, but creativity could be found anywhere - in the kitchen, at work, in the way we approach our daily life, how we spend our days off or how we plan our vacations. Everyone is creative and now is the time to devote time and make space for such activities.

  • Self-love - focus on finding ways to cultivate more self love and create a new routine that sustainably builds more of it, without being arrogant.

  • Confidence - think about what is blocking your way towards believing in yourself and building more self-confidence and self-worth. Create new practices like journaling and affirmations to break any negative self-beliefs and replace them with positive self-image.

  • Leadership skills - if you have the urge to lead a project in any area of life (it could be as small or big as you wish) now is the time to take the lead, rise and shine without anything holding you back.

Things to avoid

  • Being arrogant or proud.

  • Being self-centered and egotistical.

  • Being pushy and bossy.

  • Being vain and pompous.

  • Hiding your creative projects and talents.

Physical body

In astrology Leo rules specific body parts. Beware of any injuries to the ones listed here. If you already have issues with them, take special care of them this season.

Heart, back and spine

Be careful about: Exhaustion, heat exhaustion; inflammations


Tiger or cat eye, ruby, amber, carnelian, chrysocholla, citrine, danburite, smaragd, fire agate, garnet, golden beryl, green and rose/pink tourmaline, kunzite, larimar, muscovite, onyx, orange calcite, petalite, pyrolusite, quartz, red obsidian, rhodochrosite, topaz, turquoise, yellow spinel.


Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Leo rules our ego, courage, strength, willpower, dignity and leadership and the chakra associated with this sign is the Solar Plexus chakra. Imagine a yellow light glowing around your belly button while you meditate or implement more yoga poses that focus on activating this chakra, for example:

  • Crescent lunge pose

  • Bow pose

  • Boat pose (navasana)

  • Plank pose

  • Triangle Pose

  • Downward dog pose

Tarot Card


Essential oils




Herbs & Spices


St. John's wort

Lemon balm




House Plants


Monstera Deliciosa


August Astrology Forecast


July Astrology Forecast